$ whoami


I’m a 19 year-old British-Japanese guy who likes writing code to solve problems. Since teaching myself Python in 2019, I’ve been improving my skills and learning new ones.

I enjoy a making variety of different types of software, ranging from scripts for my Linux desktop to games and fullstack multiplatform applications.

$ ls /スキル




  • 英語(母語)
  • 日本語(約N1〜N2)

$ ls /プロジェクト | head -5

Beat Saber の曲をネット上のプレイリストと同期するMeta Quest用のアプリケーション。

ゲーム内のスクリプト言語を含む、2021年の Github Game Off のエントリとして始めたプロジェクト。

$ pwd

$ neofetch
          ▗▄▄▄       ▗▄▄▄▄    ▄▄▄▖            [email protected]
          ▜███▙       ▜███▙  ▟███▛            ------------------
           ▜███▙       ▜███▙▟███▛             OS: NixOS x86_64
            ▜███▙       ▜██████▛              Kernel: 6.6.32
     ▟█████████████████▙ ▜████▛     ▟▙        Shell: fish
    ▟███████████████████▙ ▜███▙    ▟██▙       Displays: 1920x1080 (x2)
           ▄▄▄▄▖           ▜███▙  ▟███▛       DE: Hyprland
          ▟███▛             ▜██▛ ▟███▛        Theme: Catppuccin Mocha (Lavender)
         ▟███▛               ▜▛ ▟███▛         Terminal: kitty
▟███████████▛                  ▟██████████▙   CPU: Intel i7-3770 (8) @ 3.900GHz
▜██████████▛                  ▟███████████▛   GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6650 XT
      ▟███▛ ▟▙               ▟███▛            Memory: 15892MiB
     ▟███▛ ▟██▙             ▟███▛
    ▟███▛  ▜███▙           ▝▀▀▀▀              IDE: Visual Studio Code
    ▜██▛    ▜███▙ ▜██████████████████▛        Engine: Godot
     ▜▛     ▟████▙ ▜████████████████▛         Keyboard: 75% (brown)
           ▟██████▙       ▜███▙               Music: J-pop, rock
          ▟███▛▜███▙       ▜███▙              Github: toasterofbread
         ▟███▛  ▜███▙       ▜███▙
         ▝▀▀▀    ▀▀▀▀▘       ▀▀▀▘

$ fortune